PLAYSTAND - Interaktiv pedagogisk utrustning för barn


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PlayStand is 10 years now!

PlayStand is 10 years now!

Anniversity ・ 2022 njuk 25 läsa mer Open In New icon

In early August, we celebrated the birthday of our company: for 10 years now we have been creating interactive educational complexes for children. For 10 years we have been changing education, making it more modern, introducing health-saving technologies and solutions that make the work of teachers more efficient and interesting! More than 100 people work at Innovations for Children today. These are programmers, artists, technicians, teachers, engineers, marketing and sales specialists, technical support masters. You can find more information about the company and our team here. Everyone does their part of the work, but when we read your kind reviews, when we see the smiles of children, this is important and dear to each of us! For 10 years we have not stopped dreaming, creating and developing!

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Kirova 132, 307

454092 Nur-Sultan - Kazachstan

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