...{"for gas chromatography, TLC":"för gaskromatografi, TLC","Glass Luer Tip LT":"Glas Luer-Spets LT","for sample dosage, diluters and dispensers":"för provdosering, utspädare och dispenserare","PE-Seal (H-PE)":"PE-Tätning (H-PE)","can be autoclaved":"kan autoklaveras","for buffer and other aqueous solutions":"för buffert och andra vattenhaltiga lösningar","regulation of seal-pressure by screws...
Sverige, Stenstorp
We will work as a business consultant for new local and foreign companies in Sweden. Help them find local partners, IT solutions and their labor issues. We want help companies with permanent and temporary staffing solutions in Sweden, especially in IT, agriculture and livestock. We want to help investors in their application for a residence permit.

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